Compare suppliers prices
Compare suppliers and competitors prices
Reports by pricing profiles
Price index report
(comparison of profile prices and competitors' prices by category)
All categories property list
Here you can see all properties of all categories in current catalog
Property synonyms
(managing synonyms used in matching)
Property value synonyms
(manage value synonyms used in matching)
Fill product cards
Please provide product ids here (one per line or comma-separated) to forcely fill product cards automatically. Max 100 ids accepted.
Populate EANs
(copy EANs from supplier's price to your catalog)
Catalog management extra features
Delete products
(delete products with all dependencies by the list of ids)
Add vendors
Add a list of vendors to catalog
Add categories
Add a list of categories to catalog
Prioritize images from a private library source
Place images from the selected private library source at the top of the validated list in all product cards
Update model descriptions
(mass update of product descriptions using a file)
Additional opportunities
Convert Yandex Market (YML) to Excel
Convert YML file to editable Excel document. Convert from YML to XLSX online
Convert Excel (XLSX) to Yandex Market format
Convert Excel file to Yandex Market XML (YML) format. Convert from XLSX to YML online
Download the barcode database (EAN)
The database contains information about barcodes of 1,816,200 products. The goods met on sale in the Russian market from the beginning of 2021 to the end of 2022
Library search
We have information about 70 million products in our database. Check if the items you need are there.
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