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0.00 BYN
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Google (фид)
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Feed link
Yandex (example with conditions)
Google (example with conditions)
{{ categories = {} for category in model.Categories categories[category.Id] = category end # use positive level to iterate categories from root # use negative level to iterate categories from leaf func getCategory(offer, level) i = 0 path = [] current = categories[offer.CategoryId] while current path[i] = current i = i + 1 current = categories[current?.ParentId ?? 0] end if level < 0 && path.size > -level ret path[-level] end if path.size >= level begin ret path[path.size - level - 1] end ret null end }} {{-func condition(offer) if (offer.Pictures | array.size == 0) ret false end if (offer.Parameters | array.size <= 3) ret false end if ((offer.CategoryId == 5105) || (offer.CategoryId == 5107) || (offer.CategoryId == 5110) || (offer.CategoryId == 5106) || (offer.CategoryId == 568)) ret false end if (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "холодильники") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "стиральные") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "духовые шкафы") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "варочные панели") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "кухонные плиты") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "посудомоечные машины") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.CategoryId == 5000) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.CategoryId == 71) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "морозильники") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "пылесосы") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "встраиваемые микроволновые печи") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "микроволновые печи") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "вытяжки") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "электрочайники") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "блендеры") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "тостеры") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "кухонные комбайны") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "миксеры") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "кофеварки") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "утюги") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "машинки для стрижки волос") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "фены") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "электробритвы мужские") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "отпариватели") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "эпиляторы") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "увлажнители воздуха") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "кровати") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "корпусная мебель") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "столы") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "велотренажеры")) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "беговые дорожки")) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "скамьи") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "тренажеры") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "грузоблочные") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "дорожки") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "турники и брусья") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "брусья") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "турники") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "стулья") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "кресла") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "силовые рамы") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "гантели") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25) && (offer.DeliveryTime <=1)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "гири") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25) && (offer.DeliveryTime <= 1)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "штанги") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25) && (offer.DeliveryTime <= 1)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Category | string.downcase | string.contains "грифы") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25) && (offer.DeliveryTime <= 1)) ret true end if (offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "loftyhome") ret true end if (offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "getactive") ret true end if ((offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "candy") && (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "bosch") && (offer.CategoryId == 5105) && (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "bosch") && (offer.CategoryId == 5002) && (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "bosch") && (offer.CategoryId == 5976) && (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "bosch") && (offer.CategoryId == 72) && (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "bosch") && (offer.CategoryId == 5000) && (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "bosch") && (offer.CategoryId == 71) && (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "bosch") && (offer.CategoryId == 5001) && (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "bosch") && (offer.CategoryId == 73) && (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "bosch") && (offer.CategoryId == 17) && (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "bosch") && (offer.CategoryId == 5005) && (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "bosch") && (offer.CategoryId == 2751) && (offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "ikea") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end if ((offer.DeliveryTime == 0) && (offer.Vendor | string.downcase | string.contains "икеа") && (offer.Price * 0.94 - offer.SupplierPrice > 25)) ret true end ret false end-}} <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:g="http://base.google.com/ns/1.0"> <channel> <title>Catalog.app Demo</title> <description>Google feed example.</description> <link>https://catalog.app/</link> {{- for offer in model.Offers}} {{- if offer | condition -}} <item> <g:title>{{offer.CategorySingularName}} {{offer.Vendor}} {{offer.Model}} {{offer.Color}}</g:title> <g:brand>{{offer.Vendor}}</g:brand> <g:description>{{offer.CategorySingularName}} {{offer.Model}}, цвет: {{offer.Color}}, производитель: {{offer.Vendor}} {{offer.Description | string.truncate 4000}}</g:description> <g:id>{{offer.OfferId}}</g:id> <g:image_link>{{offer.Pictures | array.first}}</g:image_link> <link>https://imarket.by/product/?XML_ID={{offer.ExternalId}}</link> <g:availability>in_stock</g:availability> <g:cost_of_goods_sold>{{offer.SupplierPrice + offer.SupplierPrice * 0.07 + 24 | math.round 2}} BYN</g:cost_of_goods_sold> {{- for parameter in offer.Parameters}} <g:product_detail> <g:attribute_name>{{parameter.Name}}</g:attribute_name> <g:attribute_value>{{parameter.Value}} {{parameter.Unit}}</g:attribute_value> </g:product_detail> {{- if (parameter.Name | string.contains "Родитель") -}} {{- capture parent -}} {{parameter.Value}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end }} {{ if offer.OriginalPrice != null }} <g:price>{{offer.OriginalPrice}} {{model.Currency}}</g:price> <g:sale_price>{{offer.Price}} {{model.Currency}}</g:sale_price> {{ else }} <g:price>{{offer.Price}} {{model.Currency}}</g:price> {{ end }} {{- for code in offer.BarCodes}} {{- if (code | !string.starts_with "2") || (code | !string.contains "160000203") || (code | !string.contains "5500000") || (code | !string.starts_with "02") || (code | !string.starts_with "04") -}} {{- capture barCode -}} {{code}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end }} <g:gtin>{{barCode}}</g:gtin> <g:condition>new</g:condition> <g:color>{{offer.Color}}</g:color> {{- if (barCode == null) || (barCode | string.empty) }} {{- capture identifier_exists -}} no {{- end -}} {{- end }} <g:identifier_exists>{{ identifier_exists }}</g:identifier_exists> <g:custom_label_0>{{(getCategory offer 0)?.Name}}</g:custom_label_0> <g:custom_label_1>{{offer.Profit | math.round}}%</g:custom_label_1> <g:custom_label_2>{{offer.DeliveryTime}}</g:custom_label_2> <g:custom_label_3>{{offer.CategorySingularName}}</g:custom_label_3> <g:custom_label_4>{{(getCategory offer 2)?.Name}}</g:custom_label_4> <g:ads_labels>{{offer.Category}}</g:ads_labels> </item> {{- end }} {{- end }} </channel> </rss>
Testing template